Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Internet Millionaire's protege bootcamp reviewed - or how to build your own home internet business in 4 easy steps

Well, I've just returned from the most amazing weekend with fellow would-be millionaires in London.

We listened and devoured every word from internet marketing expert, Derek Gehl, of the Internet Marketing Centre (IMC) in Vancouver, British Colombia. Although I'm used to going to interesting conferences, this one blew me away with the quality and presentation of information!

We were even treated to Brandon Dupsky, the eBay multi-millionaire, speaking about how to make money on eBay.

Although I think many of us were wary of the "big sell" it never happened. Sure there was an opportunity to buy IMC product packages, but I've come back from the conference with a book of really useful notes, full of useful strategies and tips for building my own internet home business.

Derek broke it down from a five year plan into 4 easy steps for us:-

1. Find a large, easy-to-reach market
2. Find a product or service they want
3. Have a great sales process
4. Now sell to them again and again!

Although they were selling their autoresponder software, Mail Loop, I've come back determined to make more creative use of my existing A Weber software. Hence I've already set up additional auto-responders for two of my sites and am increasing the number of potential customers on my list.

Derek also talked about developing great relationships with potential customers via a Newsletter, so I'm considering how I might also do that for my Home Internet Business website.

It seems that it's vital to get the name and email of visitors to your site - as you get the opportunity to sell to them again and again (or backend,backend,backend! as Derek so eloquently put it!).

By going through this four step process again and again, you'll be creating multiple streams of income that can build up to a substantial online income.

Build your own home internet business in 4 easy steps

Work from home with your own internet business - get online!

..So many people have set up their own home based internet businesses using the power of Google Adwords, Adsense and Clickbank and are earning really good money online. Well, I call $3500/weekly pretty good money, do you?

Jean is offering to share the secrets of her success, but the truth is that many people are already making money with Google & Clickbank - they're just not making THAT much money.

If you've got time to invest in your internet business and are serious about starting a home internet business, then you need to read everything you can lay your hands on. Jean is currently offering to share with you the top 7 websites that got her started and that she has used to build her $$$ internet business for free.

Work from home internet business - online

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Drive traffic to your site today

Did you realize that thousands of website operators use asimple technique to generate targeted visitors to theirwebsites without paying a dime in advertising?

It's true. In fact, the technique works so well that many of themdon't want you to discover how they get those thousands ofwebsite visitors and make so many sales on virtual "auto-pilot."

Their method?

Creating tightly focused articles other people publish intheir ezines (online magazines and email newsletters) andpost on their websites. This method rates so powerful thatsome even call it "the web's best kept traffic secret."

Now, you may ask, "Why would an ezine publisher or websiteowner publish my articles for their subscribers?"

The answer: Content!

Over a 100,000 ezines and newsletters operate on the web(along with millions of websites) covering everything frompets and cooking to investments and real estate. Many ofthem need tightly focused content and they simply can'tproduce all of it themselves.

Look at it this way... it's the same reason newspapers usethe Associated Press. Individual newspapers often can'tafford staff writers to cover every story, so they acceptarticles from outside their organization.

You can do the exact same thing for various ezines andwebsites catering to your niche audience!

You can get valuable publicity -- exposure you oftencouldn't even pay for if you wanted to -- by providingvaluable, content-rich articles in exchange for a bylineand a link to your website (called a "resource box")!

The following represent only a few of the enormous benefitsof writing and distributing simple articles online:

** Attain "Expert" Status **

Let's face it! In the eyes of virtually everyone who readsyour articles you rank as the "expert" on the subject.

Just look at people who write newspaper columns. Youmay disagree with their viewpoints, but they still have anelevated status in your mind compared to the "average Joe"off the street.

** Pre-sell Website Visitors **

If your article appeals to a niche audience hungry for moreinformation on a very focused subject, you actually pre-sell them better than any sales pitch. In their minds,you've already delivered content they really want so whenthey click over to your site you already have a"reputation" in their minds.

** Traffic Lasts Longer **

Even though the Internet changes very quickly, webmastersare usually very slow to remove content from their sites.Once you get an article posted on another person's website,you have an excellent chance of that article staying therefor weeks, months, even years.

** Increase Links To Your Site **

In a recent search I found just a dozen of my articlesposted on over 813 different websites! Not only do thosepostings bring me traffic, but they also help my searchengine positioning because of my increased "LinkPopularity."

** Builds Your Affiliate Base **

Fact: Affiliates always take the path of least resistance. If you provide excellent articles they can easily post ontheir sites or copy and paste into their ezines, youraffiliates will promote you more often and more effectivelycompared to those who don't give them tools. Plus, as you make more sales and publish articles, otherpeople will see you providing excellent tools and will wantto sign up as your affiliate so they can use them too!

** Build a Huge "Opt-In" Email List **

You can use articles to build up a huge list of subscribersby simply compiling several articles into a series anddelivering them at preset intervals. Often called a "mini-course," this technique allows you notonly to prove to your subscribers that you deliver greatinformation, but enables you to capture their name andemail adress so you can send them articles and specialoffers in the future (with their permission).

** Requires No Special Skills **

People often think they need to be a "writer" in order topublish articles, but that's not true!

FACT: If you have a passion for a subject and can talk andexplain things like you would to a friend over a cup ofcoffee, you can write articles people will love to read.

So if you operate a website selling virtually any type ofproduct or service (whether your own or as an affiliate),publishing and promoting with articles should rank high onyour list of traffic generation strategies.

No other method of generating targeted traffic to yourwebsite provides the quality, quantity and steadiness oftraffic in such a simple, straightforward, and cost-effective manner.


Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook, "Turn Words Into Traffic,"that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website oraffiliate link!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Get yourself a wealth coach ...

You may not have thought about it - but the next hot thing is to get yourself a money coach - if you're serious about wanting to:-
  • work from home
  • give up your day job
  • and be your own boss

Evidence shows that people who have at least one person believing in them and encouraging them are more likely to succeed.

Nicola Cairncross has successfully helped several people to become millionaires, but even if your dreams aren't for such riches, it may be worth considering finding out more. You can sign up for Nicola's very readable and free ezine at her website, it's title "Life, Love and the Diary of ..." and it's compelling reading.

Get a wealth coach

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Michael Cheney & Google Adsense videos

Who doesn't want to make money from Google Adsense ads on their site?!

Did I tell you about the British marketer who's raking in over $19,000 per month just from AdSense? His name is Michael Cheney and he's now created some videos that show exactly how he makes that kind of money from just 10 websites. Yep, that's right, not hundreds of sites, just ten.

If you use AdSense on your website you need to invest in these videos. I've seen Michaels other products and they're jam packed full of useful information and he always shows you exactly how to do it on your site. That's why it's so great.

Examples of what you'll be able to do after watching Michaels videos:-

You'll discover that people who earn the most with AdSense all have one thing in common - they get _____ ____ _______ of Google.

You will see that there are just 4 things you need to get right to go from the 'hobby' AdSense earner to one of the 'real AdSense earners'. They are content, ________s, your ___ and ________ .

You will get more clicks per page as soon as you realise the importance of this single element of each ad - ___ _______ .

You can easily double your AdSense revenue by using this every day household object - what is it? A ________ of course!

If you're using Adsense on your site, but are fed up with earning peanuts, then get hold of this revolutionary new internet marketing advice from Michael Cheney, the Adsense Videos.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Instant Article Submitter reviewed

Wow! I've just bought a copy of the new software, Instant Article Submitter (IAS). This is the latest offering from Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson and is a great way to create targeted traffic for your site!

I've been in the internet business for some time now and I have to say that I've seen several products that simply don't live up to their promises. However, this is one product that over delivers.

If you've submitted articles to the Article Directories by hand, you'll know how painstaking it can be go visit each Article Directory, log in, submit the article, choose a category and so on. The new IAS make this as easy and painless as possible.

You simply add the article once to the software and then save it. There's then an opportunity to select a broad term, such as "health" for the category submission, and then you can further hone your selection e.g. "health - alternative". This is the only part that takes any real time or input, but the great bit is that once you've chosen which directories to submit to and selected the categories, you just click the start button and off it goes submitting to over 150 article directories!

This is a very powerful way to get one-way links back to your site. I've already submitted over a dozen articles and can see that for some of them I've got over 150 backlinks in search engines such as MSN. Although it's probably too soon to know how this has improved my sites placement in the search engines - I'm certainly getting more visitors through these links.

For just one article that I submitted to Ezine Articles just a month or two ago, I had an additional 150 visitors to that new page, created specially for my article. Imagine what can happen when that same page is submitted to over 150 article sites ....?! I'm eagerly anticipating the results myself.

I'd thoroughly recommend that you look at Instant Article Submitter, it's great for creating targeted traffic for your site and will also help improve your search engine ranking over time.