Saturday, May 06, 2006

Michael Cheney & Google Adsense videos

Who doesn't want to make money from Google Adsense ads on their site?!

Did I tell you about the British marketer who's raking in over $19,000 per month just from AdSense? His name is Michael Cheney and he's now created some videos that show exactly how he makes that kind of money from just 10 websites. Yep, that's right, not hundreds of sites, just ten.

If you use AdSense on your website you need to invest in these videos. I've seen Michaels other products and they're jam packed full of useful information and he always shows you exactly how to do it on your site. That's why it's so great.

Examples of what you'll be able to do after watching Michaels videos:-

You'll discover that people who earn the most with AdSense all have one thing in common - they get _____ ____ _______ of Google.

You will see that there are just 4 things you need to get right to go from the 'hobby' AdSense earner to one of the 'real AdSense earners'. They are content, ________s, your ___ and ________ .

You will get more clicks per page as soon as you realise the importance of this single element of each ad - ___ _______ .

You can easily double your AdSense revenue by using this every day household object - what is it? A ________ of course!

If you're using Adsense on your site, but are fed up with earning peanuts, then get hold of this revolutionary new internet marketing advice from Michael Cheney, the Adsense Videos.


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